The reliable and compact design of the Dyanset Hydraulic Powered Water Pump features no rotating parts and has the world’s best power-to-size ratio. It can take the hydraulic power from a mobile machine and convert it into high-pressure water – which can be used as both a washer and a pump.

The Dynaset HPW models range from 10 – 200 kW with pressures of up to 1600 bar and flows of up to 300 l/min – making it a versatile unit for a variety of different applications. It is a completely self-sufficient and portable unit and eliminates the need for any other high-pressure water pumps to be present on the worksite.

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Statewide Hydraulics

19 Tuscan Ct, Thomastown VIC 3074


03 9460 2377


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7:30am – 4pm

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