Hydraulic Pumps & Motors Repair
Hydraulic Pumps and Motors Repair
From our Facility located in Melbourne’s Northern Suburbs, we service and repair all manner of Hydraulic components.
Our specialty is hydraulic pump repair, power units, motors and valves from original equipment manufacturers. Ask about our Diagnostic Pump report exclusive to Statewide Hydraulics.
We can re-manufacture Industrial fluid power components from most types and capacities including pumps, cylinders, proportional valves and motors, our facility is set-up to promptly rebuild components from just about any manufacturer at a reasonable cost.
Our hydraulic technicians are fully trained to provide:
- Piston, Vane, and Gears for Hydraulic pumps
- Piston, Vane, Gear for Hydraulic Motors
- pumps and motors pumps
- Flow Control, Pressure Control, Directional Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
- Rotary & Linear Hydraulic Actuators Repair
It is company policy to test every pump, motor, and valve to ensure proper pressure and flow are up to spec.
After reassembly, the hydraulic pump and valve unit is thoroughly tested dynamically under pressures. Our pump repair staff will repair most of the pumps and motors in the market regardless of the manufacturer or brand.
Our on-site service team can test and diagnose most open-loop pumps on site, thus avoiding time-consuming removal and refitting. This saves time and reduces your downtime and costs.
Statewide Hydraulics can not only service and supply your next pump. We design and manufacture complete power units to your specific requirements. See our manufacturing section.
pumps and motors
Many components cannot be properly tested in the workshop, if this is the case we will let you know and discuss designing and manufacture of special components so we can properly test your equipment prior to putting back in service. If this is not practical or economical, we will recommend the job testing procedures in your own plant.
Hydraulic pumps are tested to working pressure and a higher test pressure for both internal and external leakage.
When you need anything hydraulic related, please give us a call at (03) 9460 2377 and one of our hydraulic specialists will provide you with all the information and a solution to getting your hydraulic equipment working immediately!
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