At Statewide Hydraulics, we believe that oil cleanliness is paramount to ensure the durability and productivity of your machines. Our proven method of oil cleaning helps to extend the life of hydraulic systems, which helps to reduce the costs of parts and downtime in long-term operations.

We offer the following key services for hydraulic oil cleaning:

  • Supply and installation of the CJC Oil Maintenance Systems by C. C. Jensen, as well as air breather accessories with custom tube lengths for hydraulic systems
  • Hiring out our CJC Oil Maintenance Systems
  • Testing oil cleanliness levels using our state-of-the-art equipment
  • Onsite oil cleaning services run by our knowledgeable engineers.

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Did you know that oil contamination accounts for the majority of failures within hydraulic systems?

Impurities – such as dirt and metallic contaminants – are transported throughout the system with the oil flow and become wedged between the moving parts of the system. Over time, this causes the moving parts to deteriorate, contributing more metal particles to the contamination and shortening the life of your machinery.

Therefore, in order to extend the life of your hydraulic system and promote better overall performance, it’s important to maintain oil cleanliness. Not only will this encourage longevity, but it will also mean lower overall expenses due to less downtime and fewer part replacements.

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The Statewide Hydraulics oil cleaning service starts with an assessment of your current oil cleanliness. We provide onsite testing for oil cleanliness using our STAUFF Laser Tech particle count tester. This state-of-the-art equipment measures ISO 4660 particle contamination levels.

Based on the results of our onsite oil testing, we will recommend the solution that is most appropriate for your project. Depending on your situation, we may suggest to:

  • Use our portable oil cleaner to clean the hydraulic fluid
  • Reuse existing oil if it’s in good condition
  • Replace the oil with a product from our superior Gulf Western Oil range, which you can view online
  • We may recommend replacing oil with further cleaning for hi-tech proportional and servo systems, as these types of valves often require extremely clean fluid.

If you require our mobile oil cleaning system, our technicians will help run you through its operation. Our oil cleaning system is specifically designed to filter oil impurities (such as those caused by dirt, water and metallic contaminants) within hydraulic systems. It does this by extracting oil from the lowest section through to our oil filtering system. The clean oil is then deposited back into the system and the process repeats until the oil has been fully cleaned from particle contaminants, water and oxidation.

To request a technician to your site for professional oil cleaning solutions, contact the Statewide Hydraulics service team on (03) 9460 2377 today.

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Statewide Hydraulics

19 Tuscan Ct, Thomastown VIC 3074


03 9460 2377



Opening Hours:

7:30am – 4pm

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